As should be clear by now, from various postings and my choices of header pictures, I dig vintage. I love a lot of vintage things, Golden Age of Hollywood era stuff mainly, but I particularly enjoy vintage posters and prints. Some of them just look so iconic and classy, but then there are others that are just plain funny... not usually on purpose as most are just a curious reflection of the times and make you shake your head and realize how much things have changed. I maybe have a quirky sense of humor, but in this case, 'funny,' to me, means a number of things, including cringy & awkward, sorely outdated, blatantly misogynistic and just plain goofy. Here are a few of the vintage ads that never fail to provide me with a good hearty chuckle:
I am dying laughing "Free for chubbies" and Beware pick pockets & loose women" might be my favorites.
I know, right? Did you notice that it was for Lane Bryant? Who knew they've been around so long. That pickpockets one is my favorite- I want to get the plaque and hang it in my house. I've seen it places, I just haven't gotten one yet.
Ummm... I'm almost peeing my pants. Maybe because it is way past my bedtime, but more likely these are just really, really funny! Love them! Thanks for sharing.
Beer for nursing mothers? Cocaine toothache drops? Well, I'd maybe go for the sanitized tape worms (anything to lose a few pounds!) You have WAY too much time on your hands!
Love, Mom
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