Tuesday, April 27, 2010

'Glee' Flash Mob (Helping to Sustain My Hope for the Human Race)

Aaah, the joy and inspiration that Glee brings to the masses. Check out this rad Glee flash mob! Glee songs are perfect for a medley of sporadic street dancing! Love it! (Many thanks to Kirsten for the initial link)

The above video is in Seattle, but click HERE to go to YouTube and see several other Glee flash mobs that have popped up in cities around the world. I love that this is a trendy thing and that Glee is such a global phenomenon!! Who wants to organize one and do it at The Gateway mall or something? Haha!

And for those of you who weren't thrilled by last nights new Glee episode, Home, read this recap. I agree with the writer that it is hard to come off of the big and sparkly Madonna episode and that Home deserves a second look. It caught me off guard because I have gotten used to anticipating constant hilarity and rock ballads, but this one was very sentimental and had very 50s musical style numbers. I dug it. But then, to me, Glee can do no wrong ;)


SisterPresidentMann said...

So, these Glee flash mobs - does a group get together and just plan one and go do it? Or is it a Glee advertising company ploy?

Unknown said...

Haha, not a ploy. They really are just groups of fans that get together and create choreography and find a public place. Flash mobs were a thing way before Glee, Glee just happens to have inspired a few recent ones. Some have been for commercials and some have just been groups getting together (to honor Michael Jackson, etc.) Copy and paste this link to see some of the more famous ones- I have probably forwarded a couple of them to you before:


dave + kirst said...

Yea to me for finding it!!! haha. Actually I totally want to learn that dance.... Hayls? You in? And I'm being totally serious...